Creating a Smash or Pass List: Dos and Don’ts

Creating a Smash or Pass List: Dos and Don’ts

In the whirlwind of digital trends, the game of Smash or Pass has carved its niche, sparking debates and laughter alike. This seemingly light-hearted activity, where individuals decide if they would, in a hypothetical scenario, choose to engage romantically with someone (“smash”) or not (“pass”), has its share of fun and pitfalls. Crafting a Smash or Pass list demands a blend of humor, sensitivity, and a dash of wisdom. Here’s how to navigate this terrain without stepping on landmines.

Creating a Smash or Pass List: Dos and Don’ts
Creating a Smash or Pass List: Dos and Don’ts

Do: Embrace Diversity

When you’re putting together your list, diversity is key. This isn’t just about inclusivity; it’s about showcasing a range of attractions and interests. A study from Cornell University highlighted that exposure to diverse groups can significantly broaden an individual’s perspective on attractiveness, moving beyond stereotypical beauty standards. So, mixing it up not only makes your list more interesting but also promotes a healthier, more inclusive view of attractiveness.

Don’t: Forget Consent

This is critical. Before you publicly share a Smash or Pass list with someone’s name or image on it, get their okay. In an era where digital privacy is a hot topic, unauthorized use of someone’s image can lead to legal trouble and hurt feelings. A survey revealed that 73% of participants would feel violated if their image was used without permission in such games. Always ask — it’s a sign of respect.

Do: Use it as a Conversation Starter

Believe it or not, your Smash or Pass list can be more than just a game. It can open up dialogues about what attracts us to people and how superficial our criteria might be. Engage your friends in discussions about why they chose “smash” or “pass,” and you might discover new dimensions to their personality. Remember, it’s not just about appearance but the vibes someone gives off, their humor, or how they carry themselves.

Don’t: Take it Too Seriously

Here’s the thing — it’s a game. Designed for entertainment, smash or pass should not dictate your real-life choices or perceptions of people. A survey among college students found that those who distinguished the game from reality reported healthier relationships and self-esteem. So, laugh it off and remember, it’s all hypothetical.

Do: Keep it Positive

Inject positivity into your Smash or Pass sessions. Instead of focusing on why you’d pass on someone, highlight what you find attractive or intriguing about the smashes. This shift in approach fosters a positive atmosphere and encourages everyone to look for the good in others, counteracting the potential for negativity and judgment.

Don’t: Use it to Hurt Feelings

It’s easy to get carried away in the moment, but remember, words have power. A study by the American Psychological Association found that even perceived rejections in games like Smash or Pass can have lasting effects on self-esteem. If you’re playing this game in a group, keep it lighthearted and avoid targeting individuals in a way that could be construed as bullying or shaming.

Do: Reflect on Your Choices

Take a moment to reflect on your choices. Are they based solely on physical appearance, or are you considering personality traits, energy, and how someone makes you feel? Reflection can lead to personal growth, helping you understand what truly matters to you in relationships.

Creating a Smash or Pass list isn’t just about frivolous fun; it’s an opportunity to engage with friends, challenge societal norms of attractiveness, and even learn a bit about yourself. Follow these dos and don’ts to ensure your game is memorable for all the right reasons.

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